Title: The Ring Burger
Date Taken: November 10, 2012

One Ring to rule them all,
One Ring to find them,
One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them

Went to Denny's for their Middle Earth inspired menu 8D

All dishes at Denny's are pretty ginormous, and these are no exception!

The Ring Burger (pictured above) was delicious although a tad on the greasy side (but what can I expect from a burger, right?). They gave 3 onion rings and that was plenty enough! I love potatoes so I pretty much automatically liked the fries ^0^

Hobbit Hole Breakfast:

Tried a bit of this as well. They didn't ask how you like your eggs done, so if you're not a fan of over easy eggs you might not want to get this dish. I don't mind, so it was okay for me.

Build Your Own Hobbit Slam:

Our friend got this - pretty standard normal food from Denny's.

Pumpkin Patch Pancakes:

These were really good - almost leaned more towards dessert than a meal haha

Radagast's Red Velvet Pancake Puppies:

This was the first dish that came out. They didn't taste very red velvet-y but that's not necessarily a bad thing. It was fairly dense consistency and the cream cheese that came with it tasted good.

Lone-Lands Campfire Cookie Milk Shake:

This was really good, but REALLY hard to drink! It had bits of cookie in it, which was really tasty, but nearly impossible to drink through a straw. They even gave the extra they made in the metal cup they made it in.

Bilbo's Berry Smoothie:

This was very berry and smooth. It was good - think Flinstones push pop! haha

It was a fun idea Denny's had to have this Middle Earth theme. It was all very filling and overall a good meal. I would recommend everyone to come and try this for their breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, dinner, supper... ^0^

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