Title: Totto Chicken Paitan Ramen
Date Taken: May 12, 2012

Went to Totto Ramen in New York! I got the Totto Chicken Paitan Ramen with pork. The ramen was good and different than the ramen we eat here. Ramen is all about the broth and this one tasted "lighter"? Maybe because of the onions they put in it. The restaurant is really tiny; even though we got there before they opened, we JUST missed the "first round" so we had to wait. My friends and I ended up sitting at the bar area (versus a table) which I actually liked because we got to see how they made our food! They were really awesome too~

Friend: How spicy is the spicy?
Chef: How spicy? ¬____¬
Other chef: It's not that spicy.

So hilarious!

See more pictures here:

Front of restaurant:


Close up:

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